BJ appoints new Well Services Manager
Posted: 09 March 2005
BJ Services announced that Alan Pillar has been appointed Well Services Manager for the United Kingdom within the Well Services Division-Europe & Africa Region. In his new role, Pillar oversees all aspects of operational, financial, contractual and HSEQ issues management for the provision of coiled tubing, stimulation and nitrogen services on and offshore in the UKCS.
Prior to his appointment, Pillar served for five years as Well Services Manager in Great Yarmouth, England. He was responsible for operating the BJ Services’ Well Services base in Great Yarmouth, and all related financial, business development and HSE issues associated with coiled tubing, stimulation and nitrogen services carried out by the company in the Southern North Sea and Liverpool Bay.
Pillar began working in the oil industry in 1990 when he joined NOWSCO in Great Yarmouth, working in a variety of positions within the coiled tubing business. During this period, he worked offshore for six years in the UK, Dutch and Norwegian sectors of the North Sea, supervising a wide range of coiled tubing operations. He has worked for BJ Services since 1996 when the company acquired NOWSCO. He then became a Project Coordinator for BJ Services working onshore, responsible for overseeing operations BJ Services was carrying out on behalf of Shell and BHP Billiton in Southern North Sea and Liverpool Bay..
Originally from Great Yarmouth, Pillar is an associate member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers and the European Chapter of ICoTA. He also holds a National Exam Board in Occupational Safety and Health certificate, which he earned in 2002.
Pillar is based in Aberdeen and reports to Bruce Campbell, UK Country Manager for the Well Services Division-Europe & Africa Region of BJ Services. He replaces Stuart Murphy, who has returned to Canada where he works as Northern District Operations Manager-Fracturing Services for BJ Services in Grande Prairie , Alberta .
Posted by Editor Pipeline Magazine
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