Hydro awarded prize for Norwegian-American trade
Posted: 09 March 2005
At a ceremony in New York on Tuesday attended by King Harald and Queen Sonja of Norway , Hydro was presented with this year's prize for developing trade between Norway and the USA .
The prize was awarded by the Norwegian-American chamber of commerce in the USA , in conjunction with Innovation Norway, representing Norwegian authorities.
Hydro has received the Norwegian-American Trade Award thanks to the major growth enjoyed by our American business in recent years, particularly in Aluminium.
The ceremony at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel in New York gathered 200 dignitaries, primarily from sections of the US business community having strong trade ties with Norway .
The prize was presented by Oil and Energy Minister Thorhild Widvey. Martin Carter, who heads Hydro's aluminium activities in the US , and Jørgen Rostrup, who heads New Energy, briefed the audience on Hydro's US business and work on future energy sources.
Posted by Editor Pipeline Magazine
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