Invensys awarded multi-million dollar automation contract for RasGas II expansion project in Qatar
Posted: 23 March 2005
Foxboro and Triconex systems are selected to help ensure efficient and safe operation at one of the world’s largest LNG liquefaction facilities
The Invensys Global LNG Business and Technology Centre today announced that the Ras Laffan Liquefied Natural Gas Company II (RasGas-II) in Qatar, through its Engineering Procurement Contractor – the Chiyoda (Japan) and Snamprogetti (Italy) consortium – has awarded Invensys Singapore an approximately USD $8 million automation contract for the LNG Train 5 Production and Utilities units, with options for expansion of the Storage and Loading Facilities. The project scope includes Foxboro-brand
I/A Series process control systems, Triconex TMR Safety Instrumented Systems and Fire and Gas Protection Systems, plus associated project engineering services.
Train 5 will have a production capacity of 4.7 million tons per annum (mtpa), and when it comes on line in 2007, it will bring the total capacity of the Ras Laffan LNG complex to over 20 mtpa.
Invensys, a world leader in automation technology for the LNG industry, has previously successfully implemented the process control systems, safety systems, and many additional systems for Ras Laffan LNG Trains 1 and 2, and was awarded the Expansion Project for LNG Train 3, Train 4, and associated projects.
Posted by Editor Pipeline Magazine
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