Halliburton Signs Collaboration Agreement With Petronas For Training Support
Posted: 28 March 2005
Training program designed to mitigate aging and shortage of experienced professionals in oil and gas industry. -
Halliburton announced that it has collaborated with PETRONAS in setting up a Technical Excellence Center (TEC), a highly specialized upstream oil and gas training facility at the site of the Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) in Malaysia . The TEC, which provides specialized training support in geology and geophysics to new graduates and oil and gas professionals, is the first to be set up by Halliburton outside of North America .
"One of the main challenges that the exploration and production industry faces is its aging expertise and the need to develop its human capital to extract the best out of the technology and its assets," said Dr. Rosti Saruwono, PETRONAS' vice president (Education Division). "PETRONAS is therefore looking to industry service providers to assist us in training and developing local resources.
"Halliburton is an established global service provider with training centers dedicated to the development of highly specialized learning for new graduates in the United States , and we are proud to be collaborating with them to establish this TEC in Malaysia at PETRONAS' own university," Dr. Saruwono continued.
Mark McCurley, a vice president in Halliburton's Production Optimization Division, said: "This is a major commitment by Halliburton for a training facility in the Eastern Hemisphere , which is the largest economic and energy consumption growth area in the world today."
The collaboration is a winning strategy for both companies according to McCurley, who also said that as this generation of employees begins retiring over the next five years, the need to invest in the training and development of the younger generation becomes crucial.
As part of the collaboration agreement, Halliburton Digital and Consulting Solutions will play a major role through the provision of petroleum information technology. Leveraging off the division's capabilities, the TEC will be able to provide training and education in the geology and geophysics area.
Also as part of the collaboration, Halliburton will be investing more than US$700,000 in the TEC this year. Some of the money will be channeled towards renovating classroom and offices and a significant portion towards information technology and communication infrastructure. Like Halliburton's other three TECs located in Texas , Colorado , and Mexico , the center in Malaysia will have the latest broadband and videoconferencing technology. It will allow trainees to participate in the global lectures given by subject matter experts anywhere in the world and also to interact with participants at other TECs.
The first training semester began recently with studies covering cementing services, production enhancement and completion tools. There are a total of 26 students from both Halliburton and PETRONAS from Asia , Africa and the Middle East .
Posted by Editor Pipeline Magazine
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