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IGU Presidency 2009 - 2012: Russia or Malaysia ?

Posted: 18 April 2005

Two of the most important Gas nations in the world are applying for taking over the Pr esidency of International

Gas Union (IGU) for the Triennium 2009 – 2012. They are:

GAZPROM, the Charter Member of IGU from the Russian Federation , who as candidate for the position as IGU Pr esident has proposed Mr. Alexey B. Miller, Chairman of the Management Committee and Vice-Chairman of the Council of Directors of JSC Gazprom, and

The Malaysian Gas Association, the Malaysian Charter Member of IGU supported by the national company PETRONAS. As candidate for the position as IGU Pr esident they propose Datuk Abdul Rahim Hj. Hashim, Pr esident of the Malaysian Gas Association and Vice President of Gas Business, Petronas.

The IGU Pr esidency presides in a three year period, and currently the Presidency is held by the Netherlands with Mr. George H.B. Verberg as President. The Dutch Pr esidency will culminate next year with the 23 rd World Gas Conference in Amsterdam on 5-9 June 2006, which also constitutes the end of the Dutch Triennium.

In the Triennium 2006 – 2009 IGU will be presided by Argentina with Mr. Ernesto Anadón as the IGU

President, which means that the 24 th World Gas Conference will take place in Buenos Aires in 2009.

The two applications were presented at the IGU Executive Committee meeting in Warsaw , Poland last week hosted by the Polish Charter member, The Polish Gas Association (PZITS),

The Executive Committee accepted the applications and will subseque ntly pass it on to the IGU Council, the highest authority of IGU at its ordinary meeting in Tianjin City , Peoples Republic of China in October this year. Here the Council will decide which of the two candidates shall be awarded the IGU

Presidency 2009 – 2012.
The World Gas Conferences, taking place every three years, are the biggest and most important and prestigious event of IGU, assembling a large number of top echelon leaders and specialists from the Gas Industry. The latest World Gas Conferences have assembled more than 5000 attendants and featured a huge exhibition of the gas industry.

Next year's conference in Amsterdam promises to be of at least the same size and importance, and depending on the outcome of the decision of the Council the 25 th World Gas Conference in 2012 will take place in either Moscow or Kuala Lumpur .

Posted by Editor Pipeline Magazine

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