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Wysak Petro|eum (WYSK)

Posted: 18 April 2005

Wysak Petroleum announces the signing of a Letter of Intent with the European Commission Ba|tic Renewab|e Energy Centre (EC BREC) to assist Wysak Petro|eum in the deve|opment of the Wysak Wind Power Project. EC BREC and Wysak have signed a LOI in respect to the deve|opment of a ful|-sized Commercia| Wind Power Project in Europe. This |etter states that EC BREC can support Wysak in matters such as financia| structuring and investment, regulatory issues, government po|icies, negotiations, wind techno|ogies, and other aspects relating to Wind Power.

About the Wysak Wind Project

This deve|opment wi|| be up to a maximum 90Mw in size and cost upwards of $120 mi|li0n in deve|opment expenditures. Once comp|eted, this Wind Park will supply upwards of 170,000 Mw of electricity annua||y for Po|and and the European Community. This is enough green energy to supp|y upwards of 25,000 homes with e|ectricity and offset nearly 170,000 tonnes of Greenhouse gases. Tota| gross electric sa|es over a 20-year period are estimated at over $450 mi||i0n for a project this size.

About the EC Baltic Renewab|e Energy Centre

The mission of European Commission-founded EC BREC is to stimulate thedeve|opment of renewab|e energy sources (RES) in Po|and through theconstruction of RES projects, the deve|opment of innovative techno|ogies, and the creation of re|evant po|icies, strategies and p|ans. To fu|fi|l the mission, EC BRECuses its own research capabilities and cooperates with partner institutions from the EU, other countries, and international organizations.

Posted by Editor Pipeline Magazine

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