Technip Awarded Two Contracts By Norsk Hydro For The Fram East And Vilje Projects In Norway
Posted: 18 April 2005
Technip has been awarded by Norsk Hydro two engineering, procurement, installation and commissioning (EPIC) contracts worth around €147 million (NOK 1.2 billion) combined, for tie-ins from Fram East field to Troll C and from Vilje to Alvheim, on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. The contracts include engineering, fabrication, installation and pre-commissioning of sub sea umbilicals, risers and flowlines, tie-ins, manifold installation and sub sea equipment protection work.
The project management and engineering will be carried out by Technip Offshore Norge’s office in Oslo. The flowlines will be fabricated at the Group’s welding bases in Orkanger, Norway and Evanton, UK for Fram East and Vilje, respectively. Flexible pipes will be manufactured at Technip’s Le Trait facility in France while the umbilicals will be manufactured by one of Technip’s UK subsidiaries, Duco, based in Newcastle.
All offshore work will take place in summer 2006 using several vessels from Technip’s fleet, including Apache, Wellservicer and Normand Pioneer.
Posted by Editor Pipeline Magazine
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