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Gulf of Mexico Milestone

Posted: 18 April 2005

A new long-offset acquisition program has reached another milestone in the Gulf of Mexico with Fugro Multi Client Services’ Deep Focus program surpassing the 50,000-mile mark of the anticipated 80,000 mile survey. Being acquired on a 2x2 mile grid with a 10,000-meter cable, the seismic and gravity program covers from the shelf to the US-Mexico border and is now over 60% complete.

Adhering to stringent specifications in both acquisition and processing, Fugro is emphasizing quality, with the goal to output the highest quality product possible within reasonable time. Delivering two versions of the Pr e Stack Time Migration using a Kirchhoff algorithm allows for better imaging of both the shallow and deeper events. Both Wave Equation and Kirchhoff Pr e Stack Depth Migrations are created with the aid of 3-D gravity inversions on a ‘cell’ by ‘cell’ basis. Pr e Stack Time Migrations for 93% of the acquired data (46,500 miles) are ready to deliver. Pr e Stack Depth Migrations are available for over 15,000 miles. Both acquisition and processing continue at a steady pace, stressing quality as the driving force.

Posted by Editor Pipeline Magazine

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