Sonangol, Chevrontexaco and co-venturers Award KBR And Partners Feed Contract For Angola LNG Project
Posted: 02 May 2005
The joint venture team of KBR, the engineering and construction subsidiary of Halliburton , JGC Corporation of Japan and Technip have been awarded a Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) contract for the Angola LNG Project, to be constructed near Soyo in Northern Angola, approximately 300 kilometers north of Luanda. The five million tonnes per year LNG facility will be operated by a new company to be formed by Sonangol (the Angola national oil company), ChevronTexaco, BP, ExxonMobil and Total.
The Angola LNG Project will encompass offshore and onshore operations to monetize significant gas resources from fields located offshore Angola . The Project is planned to facilitate offshore hydrocarbon developments while reducing gas flaring in Angola . Natural gas will be collected and transported from offshore production facilities to the LNG plant near Soyo.
"The award of a FEED contract to KBR and its partners marks the definition phase for what will become the first major oil and gas project onshore Angola," said Lou Pucher, Senior Vice President of KBR's Energy and Chemicals division. "The KBR-JGC-Technip (KJT) joint venture was selected for this project due to our successful track record of developing LNG facilities in remote locations, and we believe this project will have long-term benefits for the development of Angola ."
During the next 12 months, the KBR-JGC-Technip joint venture will participate in a design competition. This competition is expected to result in the selection of one contractor group to perform engineering, procurement, construction (EPC), startup and commissioning services once a final investment decision (FID) for the project is made.
Posted by Editor Pipeline Magazine
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