Enoc Gears Up To Challenge International Majors
Posted: 02 May 2005
Emirates National Oil Company (ENOC) LLC has unveiled a landmark development in the marketing of its proprietary lubricants range with a complete packaging revamp aimed at boosting its marketing power and challenging major international players.
The wholly-owned Government of Dubai Group has invested heavily in a powerful repackaging overhaul – the first since the launch of its lubricants brand seven years ago - aimed at repositioning ENOC lubricants as an international high quality brand.
“This dynamic new look followed intensive research among all stakeholders which placed ENOC Lubricants as a mid-range product. We believe the quality of our lubricants is such that the time is right to challenge other major international players in the market and this new, world-class image is a visual demonstration of our determination to be up there with the best,” said Hussain Sultan, Group Chief Executive and Board Member, ENOC. “In commissioning this overhaul we have been driven by our desire to build an international lubricants brand.”
The attractive colours and look of the ENOC Lubricants’ new packaging and labelling is designed to reflect the modernity and towering impact of Dubai worldwide. The brand icon of ENOC has become more prominent, the physical structure of the packaging has become more aerodynamic, with a refined pouring angle making it easier use to preventing any ‘glug’ impact.
“It reflects the integral values of Dubai in delivering speed, purpose and premium products,” said Sultan.
“Competitive pressures and continuous innovations in the retail lubricants market are forcing many organisations to rethink the manner in which they compete.
“Lubricants markets have always been extremely competitive and complex. Brand differentiation and better marketing techniques have always driven the lubricants retailing business worldwide. Hi-tech packaging has helped increase brand awareness and appeal. This has made the lubricants business one of the most dynamic sectors of the oil industry.”
The new ENOC Lubricants packaging image was conceived by international identity consultants Landor and follows extensive focus group testing among a range of stakeholders, including end users. The image has been two years in development.
“The look is aimed at enhancing our brand competitiveness, keeping us ahead of the competition, reflecting a promise of trust emanating from a region which is associated with the raw material of oil and delivering the quality of performance excellence, which is now synonymous with Dubai,” added Sultan.
The new, contemporary identity rollout comes seven years after the launch of the original ENOC Lubricants’ look.
“Our aim is to make the ENOC Lubricants’ brand a quality flagship for Dubai and the United Arab Emirates,” said Kamal Said, Chief Operating Officer, ENOC International Sales Limited, which is responsible for generating group lubricants sales both locally and in wider international markets, including the GCC and Middle East, the CIS, African and Asia.
The new image will be initially rolled out across the United Arab Emirates with plans to expand it internationally within six months.
“ENOC Lubricants is now the Energy Partner of Choice with leading lubricants distributors across more than 20 countries and we will work with these partners to deliver international success,” added Said.
“We are demonstrating to our customers and partners ENOC’s strong determination to deliver a strong, continually improving international brand identity that conjures up an image of a committed, confident and world-class challenger.”
Established in 1998, ENOC Lubricants has developed its own quality range of branded automotive, industrial and marine lubricants, which are blended at ISO-9001:2000 certified facilities in Dubai. Its product range is currently marketed in over 20 countries by an experienced and qualified sales and technical team.
Following extensive regional research, ENOC Lubricants developed products best-suited to the demanding conditions of the Middle East . ENOC Lubricants’ two flagship products – the PROTEC gasoline engine oil range and VULCAN diesel engine oil range – will be the preferred brands of discerning international customers. They are available in packs of different shapes and sizes with a tamper-proof aluminium foil seal. ENOC Lubricants’ products are now marketing throughout the Middle East , Asia , the CIS and Africa and the company is looking to further expand its international distribution network.
Posted by Editor Pipeline Magazine
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