Halliburton Addresses Economical Recovery Of Bypassed Hydrocarbons With New Sand Control Technology
Posted: 09 May 2005
Halliburton's Production Optimization Division has developed the SandTrap (SM) service using a formation stabilization system to assist operators with the economical recovery of bypassed hydrocarbons in friable or weakly consolidated reservoir sands. To date, Halliburton's SandTrap service has been successfully deployed in reservoirs prone to sand production problems in the Gulf of Mexico, California, Indonesia, and Argentina.
The SandTrap service offers two new completion options that can stabilize the formation surrounding the wellbore -- as a standalone screenless sand control treatment or as a screenless frac pack in conjunction with consolidating proppant, such as Halliburton's ExpediteR service -- to provide sand control with stimulation for weakly consolidated oil and gas sands. Along with providing operators a choice of completion options, the SandTrap service offers several alternative means of placement, including down production tubing, coiled tubing, and jointed pipe and service packer.
"In its simplest form, the SandTrap service technology combines near wellbore consolidation with the option for stimulation using a tip screen out (TSO) fracture treatment," said Harvey Fitzpatrick, sand control product manager, Halliburton's Production Optimization Division. "This technique combines the advantages of good formation penetration and permeability retention through sure setting, good adhesion, and strength on sands with clay content. Plus, it remains viable even in conditions of greater than 350 degrees Fahrenheit."
"We continue to seek ways to balance the equation of cost versus productivity to better enable operators to profitably recover reserves they would otherwise forego," said Jim Renfroe, senior vice president, Halliburton's Production Optimization Division. "For instance, the SandTrap service provides our clients the means to extend the life of artificial lift pumps and reduce workovers due to sand production, bringing down costs while maintaining production."
Posted by Editor Pipeline Magazine
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