PDO Harvests Another Crop of Professional Engineers
Posted: 23 May 2005
Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) has long been committed to the development of its engineers. And in a graduation ceremony on 17 May the company celebrated the most recent graduates of its programme to create a cadre of professional engineers — the Engineering Monitored Professional Development (EMPD) scheme.
Having obtained their certificates from the hands of HE The Under Secretary of Miinistry of Oil and Gas, Naser bin Khamis Al-Jashmi, 39 more people join the previous 72 who have successfully completed the EMPDS scheme since it began more than ten years ago. These employees, who have already proved to be invaluable assets to PDO, take their skills onto another level upon completing EMPDS.
In a speech to congratulate the graduates, PDO Managing Director, Mr John Malcolm, said: “Every company wants professional people, and PDO is no exception. Experience has taught us that people who never want to stop learning –those who have a professional attitude - are the kind of people who make the biggest contribution to PDO and, so, to Oman. By the very fact of successfully completing EMPDS, our colleagues have proved they have what it takes to join that body of people in PDO for whom professionalism is a byword.”
He added: “PDO has been going through period of change for the past two years. We spent much of last year examining how we can work better and work smarter. And now we have put this into practice. The changes we have made, not to mention the new technologies we are deploying in PDO, means that we need people in our Company who are innovative, adaptable and clever. Those who have graduated from EMPDS have these qualities in abundance. Those completing the scheme bring their fresh thinking and dedication into PDO. And it is PDO’s dedication to developing people that has made this possible. I take pride in the fact that PDO fulfils the desire of its staff to improve themselves and help them gain extra qualifications, such as EMPDS.”
Posted by Editor Pipeline Magazine
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