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Two UMC Divers Receive Prestigious Award From Mod For Act Of Outstanding Bravery

Posted: 23 May 2005

Following an incident at Portsmouth Naval Dockyard in November 2004, two UMC Diving Supervisors have been presented with a Naval Base Commanders Commendation, at a ceremony held at Spithead House, Portsmouth Naval Base on 17 th February 2005 .

Reason For the Award .

Whilst a UMC diving team were in attendance for an underwater engineering operation on HMS INVINCIBLE, independent of the diving operation, one of the dockyard cranes fell across the flight deck of INVINCIBLE. The crane driver was trapped in his compartment and had sustained serious head injuries.

Using portable rope access equipment, designed by UMC for the eventuality of having to lift an injured diver from the water, onsite UMC dive supervisors James Jee and Dave Thatcher rapidly deployed the system to gain access to the crane driver, and were first to administer first aid, without due regard for their own safety.

In presenting the awards at Spithead House, Commodore Amjad Hussain echoed the wording on the commendation, being ‘your professionalism, quick thinking and bravery on that day were an excellent reflection of your training and selfless personal qualities’.

Such commendations are normally reserved for service personnel only. However, it was the opinion of the Royal Navy, that on this occasion, the actions of the UMC team warranted particular recognition.

Posted by Editor Pipeline Magazine

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