Foster Wheeler wins RoSPA Pr esident's Award for Third Consecutive Year
Posted: 30 May 2005
Foster Wheeler Energy Limited , Foster Wheeler’s UK subsidiary has won a Royal Society for the Pr evention of Accidents (RoSPA) Pr esident's Award for the third year in a row. The Pr esident's Award is only presented to those companies that have attained a minimum of 10 consecutive RoSPA Gold Awards.
“We are proud to be honored by RoSPA with such a prestigious award,” said Steve Davies, chairman and chief executive officer, Foster Wheeler Energy Limited. “This award reflects our continuing commitment to maintaining the highest level of excellence in the area of health and safety. We are immensely proud of our world-class health, safety and environment (HSE) record and are also implementing new initiatives aimed at producing an even better performance on current and future projects.”
“In 2004 we successfully developed our own in-house behavioral-based HSE Pr ogram called CORE (Continuous Observation & Risk Evaluation),” commented Steve King, divisional director, construction operations, Foster Wheeler Energy Limited. “This program, together with encouraging employee participation in HSE through ‘HSE Pr ogram Effectiveness Surveys,' was carried out on a number of projects both in the UK and overseas. In addition, we have participated successfully in the European Week for Occupational Safety & Health. We intend to build on this approach in 2005 to improve on our existing high level of HSE achievements.”
“Foster Wheeler has demonstrated how seriously they take health and safety management and is a fine example for many other companies,” said David Rawlins, awards manager, RoSPA. “We would like to see more organizations following their lead by providing a positive example.”
The RoSPA Awards are not just about reducing the number of accidents and cases of ill health at work; they are also about ensuring that organizations have good health and safety management systems in place. They help to reinforce the message that good health and safety are good business and clearly demonstrate an organization's commitment to the achievement of high levels of performance in this crucial area. Since its first year of participation in this program, Foster Wheeler has won 24 RoSPA awards across a number of different categories.
To adjudicate these awards, a judging panel of health and safety experts measures the participating companies' accident frequencies based on lost-time injuries and reportable injuries together with proactive HSE initiatives introduced or planned. The panel unanimously decided that Foster Wheeler Energy Limited was worthy of a Pr esident's Award as it has consistently reported a low incident rate over the last 12 years, together with implementing an effective HSE Management System consistently on its projects worldwide, with the aim of continuous improvement.
Posted by Editor Pipeline Magazine
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