Keppel to undertake US$174 million FPU Conversion and Fabrication of World’s Largest Turret
Posted: 06 June 2005
Keppel Shipyard Ltd has been tasked to undertake the hull conversion of a Floating Production Unit (FPU) of Brazil’s national oil company for US$174 million.
Work includes marine conversion, fabrication and integration of the internal turret on the 322, 446 dwt tanker, the VLCC Settebello. When completed, the turret, with 75 risers, will be the largest turret ever fabricated and installed in the world.
To be completed in end 2006, PETROBRAS 53 (P-53) will be installed at 1,080 metres water depth. P-53’s capacity will include processing up to 180,000 (barrels of oil per day (bopd), a gas compression capability of 6 million cubic metre of per day and a water injection capability of 39,0000 cubic metre per day (cmpd).
Keppel O&M has undertaken several significant offshore projects, directly and indirectly, for Petrobras. These projects account for more than 600,000 bopd or a third of Petrobras’ current oil production. Its latest completion, the successful conversion and redelivery of the FPSO P-48 by Keppel FELS Brasil, formerly FELS Setal, earlier this year has raised Petrobras’ average daily production to 1,819,000 bopd.
Currently, the group is building Petrobras’ P-51 and P-52 production platforms through a consortium comprising Keppel FELS Brasil, Keppel FELS and Technip Coflexip.
Posted by Editor Pipeline Magazine
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