SABIC Affiliate Company (SHARQ) receives an international Safety Award from the British Safety Council
Posted: 06 June 2005
SABIC affiliate Eastern Petrochemical Company (SHARQ) has received, on May 20, 2005 , the international Safety Award for the year 2004 from the British Safety Council. SHARQ has won this prestigious safety award for its distinct efforts and for achieving highest performance rates in the field of industrial and environmental safety. Mohammed Al Mady, SABIC Vice Chairman & CEO congratulated Eng. Mohammed Ibn Mohsen Al Jabri, Pr esident SHARQ and all SHARQ employees for this outstanding accomplishment.
The British Safety Council stipulates stringent conditions. Only companies with below average accident rates are eligible to apply and they face tough tests in order to satisfy the independent Awards Panel. In addition to low accident rates, winners must also have good safety policies and safety plans and commitment to health and safety at the highest board level. They must detail their health and safety officers’ qualifications and provide details of significant advances they have made in health and safety for the year.
Mr. David Ballard, Director General of the British Safety Council, says: “The international safety Awards highlight organizations that demonstrate commitment to health and safety. They are a mark of a proven and significant achievement in safety standards. By making safety an important feature of everyday work practice. Eastern Petrochemical Company (SHARQ) is reducing accidents and ill health while improving productivity and profitability.”
Pr ime Minister Tony Blair sent a message to winners via his office: “At its best, sensible health and safety should be about managing risk, rather than trying to eliminate them altogether. Managing risks has a benefit not just to employees, but also to the economy as a whole, helping to tackle the 39 million days lost each year to ill health and injuries.”
SHARQ, is a joint venture between Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) and SPDC Limited, (a consortium of Japanese companies headed by the Government of Japan and Mitsubishi Company).SHARQ was founded on May 23, 1981, at Jubail Industrial City, in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, manufacturer of 1.35 Million Metric Tons per annum of Ethylene Glycol (EG), and 750 Kilo Metric Tons per annum of Linear Low Density Polyethylene (LLDPE). SHARQ is assuming its third Expansion project to add a new Olefin Plant with a capacity of 1.3 Million Tons/Y and 700 Kilo MT/Y (EG) plant and 400 Kilo MT/Y LLDPE plant and 400 Kilo MT/Y High Density Polyethylene plant By 2008. SHARQ achieved more than 16.5 Million Safe Man-hours without Lost Time & Injuries as the highest record among SABIC affiliates.
Posted by Editor Pipeline Magazine
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