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Total Makes Fourth Oil Discovery in Angola’s Ultra-Deep Offshore Block 32

Posted: 13 June 2005

Sociedade Nacional de Combustíveis de Angola (Sonangol EP) and Total have announced a new oil discovery in the ultra-deep Angolan offshore with the fourth well drilled in Block 32.

Drilled in a water depth of 1,703 meters, the Gengibre-1 well tested at 4,724 barrels per day of oil from a single reservoir. With a total depth of 4,432 meters, the well is located in the eastern section of Block 32, around 17 kilometers from the 2003 Gindungo-1 find and 12 kilometers from the 2004 Canela-1 find.

Further geological and engineering studies will be performed to appraise the production potential of the Gengibre discovery.

Sociedade Nacional de Combustíveis de Angola is the Block 32 concessionaire. Total operates the block with a 30% interest, alongside Marathon Oil Company (30%), Sonangol EP (20%), Esso Exploration and Production Angola Ltd. (15%) and Petrogal (5%).

Posted by Editor Pipeline Magazine

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