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Paradigm India Wins ISO 9001:2000 Certification

Posted: 20 June 2005

Paradigm, the premier provider of advanced petroleum geoscience and drilling technology to the oil and gas E&P industry, announces that its regional office Paradigm India has been awarded the international Quality Management Award ISO 9001: 2000 for the Pr ovision of Seismic Data Pr ocessing, Imaging and Reservoir Studies, including Interpretation Services

ISO9001:2000 puts in place systems, which are regularly and independently audited, that require the company to focus on customer needs and comply with their requirements; maintain a systematic approach in its operations; continually improve how it works and the services it provides; and strive to prevent errors before they happen. These goals are achieved by embedding the ISO9001 into the company’s daily activity.

ISO 9001:2000 certification, which was awarded to Paradigm India by Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance, is recognized worldwide, and is granted only to those companies which demonstrate exceptional quality in service and customer care. Being awarded certification means that Paradigm India has met these stringent quality standards.

David Flett, Managing Director of Paradigm Asia Pacific, stated, “This certification is confirmation of the proactive steps we have taken to address quality issues and implement process control in our largest production center.  The ISO 9001:2000 award gives our clients the confidence that when they do business with Paradigm India , the highest quality standards are being adhered to on an ongoing basis.”

Posted by Editor Pipeline Magazine

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