Top performances in Exploration awarded
Posted: 27 June 2005
The 13th Annual Exploration Awards Ceremony gave credence to successful exploration accomplishments in 2004.
Abdulla A. Al-Naim, Executive Director of the Exploration organization said: "Of course, we are able to be successful year after year only because of the efforts of the entire Exploration staff, and your management is grateful for your accomplishments. So, although we are honouring only a few of you by name, in fact, we are saluting you all for a job well-done."
Exploration's award winners were:

Professional Contribution in Geology: Ahmad R. Yasin .
Yasin has contributed to a large amount of the annual oil-reserves replacement since he joined the company in 2002. He has shown that new ideas can help find oil in mature areas. Al-Naim said Yasin has highlighted some evaluation methods that have not been commonly practiced, and has found new ways of using the available data to its fullest extent. He is known for integrating disciplines to achieve reserves replacement.

Professional Contribution in Geophysics: William L. Weibel.
Weibel was one of the key people in the Northern Fields Characterization Division. Al-Naim called his interpretations on Qatif, Abu Sa'fah and Shaybah fields' 3D-seismic volumes "outstanding." In an area of new drilling in Qatif, he predicted the oil reservoir level to within five feet in two wells. He worked with Pr ocessing to produce dramatically higher signal results on Abu Sa'fah.
Employee of the Year: Sulaiman H. Al-Shammary .
Al-Shammary is proficient in operating every piece of equipment and machinery at the company's core laboratory, where he is considered the "go-to" guy. He was involved in the organization and streamlining of the archival area and was the silent force behind the design of the renovated core examination rooms and the core layout benches. When a new tool is needed, Al-Shammary has been known to make it.
Paper of the Year: Geraint W. Hughes .
Hughes' paper, "Middle to Upper Jurassic Saudi Arabian Carbonate Petroleum Reservoirs: Biostratigraphy, Micropaleontology and Palaeoenvironments," published in GeoArabia, Vol. 9, No. 3, 2004, describes the fossils that are present in Jurassic carbonate reservoirs and how the fossils can be used to interpret what the environment was like when the sediments were deposited. As the quality of reservoir rock depends on the degree of mud left in it when it was deposited, knowledge of the initial depositional environment and recognition of sedimentary beds can significantly help place new development wells to produce the most oil, most efficiently.
Team of the Year : Qatif and Abu Sa'fah Team - John C. Cole, Ahmad Q. Hameda, Abdullah S. Al-Shamsi, Raja Ismail, Yasir A. Al-Mubarak, Gurhan Aktas, Robert J. Rakai, Ishak Ishak, Roger Sung, Douglas C. Seedorf, Emad Busbait, William L. Weibel, Khalid I. Al-Buraik and Abdulkareem R. Al-Roudhan .
The team was a key element in the success of the recently completed Qatif and Abu Sa'fah increment. The increment required the drilling of 170 wells in the two fields. The team was called upon for its knowledge of the reservoir's spatial variation and to guide bits round-the-clock through thousands of feet of rock. Team members applied cutting-edge technology, live data transmission, visualization and reservoir modeling to place wells in the optimum locations.
PDP of the Year: Khalaf O. Temimi .
Temimi earned his bachelor's degree in geology with a minor in math from the University of Alabama . He hit the ground running in 2003 in field development in Northern Ghawar , where difficult horizontal, multilateral wells are being drilled. Al-Naim said Temimi has quickly become a fully reliable field development geologist. He is also known for his infectiously amiable attitude and team spirit.
Technology: Roy M. Burnstad.
Burnstad is assigned to the Special Pr ocessing Team in the Seismic Pr ocessing Division, where he develops processing solutions for production projects using existing software. He has developed several techniques that have resulted in more accurate data to better understand reservoirs. He designs new seismic data-processing methods and updates well-known methods. He also lectures in the Exploration Training School and is a mentor in the Specialist Development Pr ogram.
Field Employee of the Year: Khalid M. Ghazi.
Ghazi has shown a high level of initiative, dependability, consistency and punctuality, Al-Naim said. He recently completed the Exploration Training School and impressed everyone with his expanding knowledge and willingness to learn.
Self-Development: Yousef M. Al-Shobaili.
Petrophysicist Al-Shobaili was responsible for the log-reprocessing and pay-cut-off determination in Safaniyah field. His new pay-cut-off method for the Safaniyah and Khafji reservoirs added significant reserves. He also developed an equation to help identify tar from well logs. He developed new in-house course material on log and petrophysical interpretation and conducted a five-day course in open-hole log and geological interpretation for 23 students.
Posted by Editor Pipeline Magazine
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