Adding Reservoir Modeling To Real Time Operations Center
Posted: 27 June 2005
Halliburton has expanded its Real Time Operations Center to include a Reservoir Modeling Center of Excellence. The new modeling center provides comprehensive field development expertise in the areas of reservoir characterization, geostatistical and geocellular modeling, numerical simulation and production optimization.
"This unique service offering in Canada combines the latest in Halliburton's real-time asset management solutions with an extensive reservoir knowledge base," said David Ackert, Halliburton's regional vice president. "It is capable of delivering fully integrated field development studies from reservoir description through to drilling and completions, production enhancement and production management services."
The offering, a part of Halliburton's Digital and Consulting Solutions Division, is led by an integrated team with more than 60 years of industry knowledge in key Canadian and international resource plays beyond conventional oil and gas production, including coalbed methane, tight gas, enhanced oil recovery and heavy oil.
Brad Bechtold, manager of Halliburton Digital and Consulting Solutions Division in Canada , said: "There is a need for specialized expertise to address the growing challenges across the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin . This Reservoir Modeling Center of Excellence emphasizes Halliburton's commitment to the Canadian oil industry."
Posted by Editor Pipeline Magazine
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