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Greater Gorgon venture moves into feed key Shell project reaches major milestone

Posted: 04 July 2005

The Royal Dutch/Shell Group of Companies today welcomed the decision by the Greater Gorgon joint venturers to move the project into the Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) phase as another major milestone for one of the Group's key international projects, and a further highpoint in developing Western Australia's vast gas reserves.

Shell Gas & Power Executive Vice President, Asia Pacific, Peter de Wit commented: 'Gorgon is a key global project for Shell. Shell has already secured capacity in the Energia Costa Azul LNG terminal in Baja California , Mexico , which will give access to markets in North America for LNG from Gorgon.'
Shell is the market leader in LNG in the Asia Pacific region, and the Gorgon Project ranks alongside Sakhalin II as one of the region's and the world's major new LNG supply sources.

Mr de Wit continued:  'The joint venture partners - Shell, Chevron, and ExxonMobil - would continue to utilize all their LNG expertise and strong operational performance to improve the economic competitiveness of the Greater Gorgon project.'

He congratulated the Kellogg Joint Venture, JP Kenny and Technip on winning the FEED contracts, and said that with strong Governmental and public support, the Project was on target to deliver first gas in 2010. 

Shell LNG sales grew by 15per cent in the first quarter of 2005 and the Gas & Power business has enjoyed a number of successes in the region over the past six months. These have included:

  • The final investment decision on a fifth LNG liquefaction train taken by Shell and its joint venture partners in the North West Shelf Project.
  • Shell's selection by Queensland 's Stanwell Corporation as the preferred coal gasification technology provider for a proposed coal gasification power project in Australia .
  • Three separate agreements signed between the Shell-partnered Sakhalin II Project and three Japanese utilities Toho Gas Company Ltd, Tohoku Electric, and Hiroshima Gas Co Ltd, bringing total gas sales in the project to 7.3 mtpa (representing over 75per cent of total plant capacity from the first two trains).

Posted by Editor Pipeline Magazine

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