Wind energy companies hope for support for further development of the industry in the event of a change in government
Posted: 11 July 2005
WindEnergy - International Trade Fair
at Hamburg Trade Fair site from 16 to 19 May 2006
The companies active in wind energy believe that further support will be necessary for the wind energy industry in the event of a change in government in Germany in the expected autumn election, according to a survey
commissioned by WindEnergy, the premier fair for the wind industry. 84.4% of
the respondents, who are decision makers in their companies, are hoping for
measures for promotion and further development of this innovative industry.
Right at the top of their wish list is accelerated expansion of the offshore
sector, and a generally less bureaucratic and thus faster approvals
procedure for wind farms. Participants in the survey commissioned by
WindEnergy - International Trade Fair (Hamburg Messe) with the market
research agency PhoneResearch were 45 wind energy companies in Germany , most
of them manufacturers, equipment suppliers and project developers.
The Trend Survey also showed that the companies in the wind industry are
well placed to cope with political change in Germany - nearly 90% of the
companies responding are mainly active in the international market and
therefore not exclusively dependent on the political and economic framework
conditions in their home market. This export orientation is also very much
at the focus of the WindEnergy International Trade Fair (Hamburg) - "We and
our partner associations, the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) and
the German Engineering Federation (VDMA), give the industry the right
platform and support its global activities," says Peter Bergleiter, Project
Manager for WindEnergy at Hamburg Messe.
WindEnergy, which is the international premier fair for this industry, will
be held in Hamburg from 16 to 19 May 2006 . This is the third event in the
series, and it will once more be the meeting point for the wind energy
industry worldwide. This fair is entirely dedicated to this upward moving
industry, and offers manufacturers and equipment suppliers, planners,
financial institutes, measurement and certification agencies and experts
from research and development an optimal forum for further expansion of this
market of the future.
Posted by Editor Pipeline Magazine
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