Total signs production sharing contract in Nigeria’s Deep Offshore
Posted: 25 July 2005
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Total’s Nigerian operating subsidiary, Elf Petroleum Nigeria ltd (EPNL) has signed a production sharing contract with the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) for the Oil Prospecting License (OPL) 223 located offshore southeast Nigeria.
OPL 223 lies in water depths of between 200 and 1,000 metres. This license lies just east of OPL 222 where EPNL, as operator, has made significant commercial discoveries in the Ukot and Usan fields. Both fields are currently under consideration for development.
NNPC is the concession holder on OPL 223 with ENPL as the operator of the permit holding a 90 per cent stake with the Nigerian Petroleum Development Company, a subsidiary of NNPC , holding a 10 per cent participating interest.
Exploration activities are planned to start soon with the implementation of a seismic survey programme.
Posted by Editor Pipeline Magazine
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