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DEZ To Focus On Future Technologies

Posted: 01 August 2005
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The exciting Digital Energy Zone (DEZ) feature is one of the stand-out attractions at this year’s premier upstream event, OE05. This innovative focal point will highlight technologies that are already becoming must-have tools for the digital oilfield.

The DEZ offers a ‘show within a show’ that gives OE05’s diverse audience a hands-on opportunity to learn more about the real-time applications that are revolutionising the industry right across the field development cycle. DEZ is the natural evolution of the Real Time Zone that first introduced these innovative technologies to a mass audience at OE 2003.

Such ‘high-tech’ tools are essential to improve reservoir monitoring, optimise production and control costs. From revitalising mature fields to exploring difficult environments, such as deepwater frontiers or harsh weather regions, the implications and benefits for how the ‘remote’ or ‘real-time’ digital oilfield operates are enormous.

Future Challenges ahead
There are many challenges facing the oil and gas industry today; a vital one being how to reduce exploration and production costs and thus maximise revenues. The use of digital solutions will allow operators to better tackle such challenges and increase profitability.

The DEZ will give attendees a glimpse of the future and also show how technology is available today to take operations into the ‘real time’ world. As the upstream industry moves towards the next generation oilfield, digital technology enables executives and engineers to make better decisions in a shorter timeframe, therefore keeping budgets under tighter control.

Maintaining production levels and extending tail-end field output constantly throws up new challenges and operators are always looking for new technology to keep fields commercially viable. The DEZ focuses on these needs and illustrates the technology on offer to companies that can both sustain production and enhance field life, making it a ‘must see’ attraction at OE 2005.

The technology on offer will include: intelligent well technology; advanced seismic services; reservoir visualisation and management techniques; subsurface well surveillance; communications; increased process plant automation; and Internet-enabled interfaces.

Digital Solution Journey
Mike Bowyer, UK Managing Director of one of the main DEZ exhibitors, Halliburton Energy Services Group, said: “We are all aware that the key objectives of the digital oilfield include increased recovery, increased production and reduced operating costs; but developing cornerstone enabling technologies such as 4D seismic, intelligent completions, real time operations and integrated modeling and simulation are only the first steps on the solution journey.”

Bowyer added: “To optimise and sustain the value of these technologies we must be prepared to challenge the critical concepts of asset awareness, optimised decisions, effective execution and re-invent the work place and our existing work force to harvest the investment.”

Technology Platform
Nik Rudge, Project Director, OE 2005, commented: “The interest in the EZ has been tremendous, building on the success of the Real-Time Zone at OE 2003. The DEZ continues to provide a platform for  "smart" and "intelligent" technology throughout the workflow.

“Every member of the Asset Team from formation evaluation, through drilling, workover and completions to production and reservoir management will find the very latest technology and thinking showcased through the technical conference, in the DEZ and throughout the main exhibition floor.”

Rudge added: “The asset team disciplines no longer work in isolation and OE reflects this integration through the entire event so that literally every person involved in Upstream E&P will find something to see and learn from at OE 2005.”

Posted by Editor Pipeline Magazine
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