Further extension of the Usan discovery and approval of the field development plan by NNPC
Posted: 08 August 2005
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Total announces that its Nigerian operating subsidiary, Elf Petroleum Nigeria Ltd. (EPNL) has successfully drilled two appraisal wells in the Usan field in deepwater Oil Prospecting License (OPL) 222, offshore south eastern Nigeria .
The Usan field is located 110 kilometres offshore in water depths of approximately 800 metres. The field was discovered in 2002. In 2004, a western Usan extension was confirmed by the drilling of Usan 5 and 6. This year, Usan 7 and 8 confirmed an eastern extension of the Usan field.
The Field Development Plan has been approved by NNPC, the concessionaire of the licence. Additional approval will be sought from the Department of Petroleum
Resources in the near future. The plan features a development of the Usan field with 35 subsea wells connected to a 2 million barrel capacity floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) by subsea lines and risers. The processing capacity is around 150,000 barrels of oil per day. First oil is planned by 2010.
NNPC is concessionaire for OPL 222 under a Production Sharing Contract operated by Elf Petroleum Nigeria Ltd. (20%), in partnership with Chevron Petroleum Nigeria Ltd. (30%), Esso Exploration and Production Nigeria (Offshore East) Ltd. (30%) and Nexen Petroleum Nigeria Ltd. (20%).
Posted by Editor Pipeline Magazine
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