Chevron Issues Corporate Responsibility Report
Posted: 22 August 2005
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Chevron Corporation today issued its comprehensive Corporate Responsibility Report detailing its 2004 socioeconomic and environmental performance.
"While corporate responsibility has long been a part of how we operate, it also has taken on an increasingly strategic role," said Dave O’Reilly, chairman and CEO of Chevron. "To succeed today, our company must demonstrate world-class performance across every aspect of our business, from technical and financial performance to our contributions to and impact on society and the environment.
"This report is an important example of our commitment to transparency, and in 2004, we made significant progress in several areas. It was our safest year ever. We took steps to enhance our approach to environmental stewardship, and we began to deploy a global policy to address HIV/AIDS, building on earlier efforts that were well under way within our South Africa , Nigeria and Angola operations. Going forward, we will continue to focus on delivering the right results in the right way," added O’Reilly.
Highlights of Chevron’s corporate responsibility performance include:
HIV/AIDS Global Policy: Building on its long standing efforts in this area, Chevron finalized and began deployment of its global HIV/AIDS policy. The policy provides guidelines for employees on items such as nondiscrimination, benefits, and education and prevention. It also outlines the company’s intent and long-term goal to secure treatment for employees and dependents in their country or region of employment.
Community Engagement: Investments of nearly $64 million were dedicated to community projects around the world. This figure is in addition to the in-kind support, employee volunteer efforts, and additional contributions and impact leveraged through partnerships such as the Angola Partnership Initiative. In addition to ongoing Angola Partnership Initiative support, key activities in 2004 included, among others, providing more than $12 million in tsunami disaster relief primarily in Indonesia , working with the Discovery Channel Global Education Partnership to provide learning centers in Africa , and pledging nearly $9 million to assist innovative education and job training programs primarily in the United States .
Health and Safety: 2004 was Chevron’s safest year on record for its global operations. This marks six straight years of improvement on overall recordable incidents. Despite this achievement, in 2004 there were 17 fatalities involving employees and contractors, with motor vehicle accidents remaining the most frequent cause of death. Chevron will continue to strive to reduce fatalities – and all incidents – to zero.
Environment and Efficiency: In 2004, Chevron undertook an extensive effort to enhance environmental stewardship, a key priority for the company. More than 1800 executives and managers were trained to support the company’s Operational Excellence Management System, which covers safety, health, environment, reliability and efficiency objectives. Chevron reduced its greenhouse gas emissions by more than 1 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent, meeting its corporatewide emissions goal in 2004. This reduction reflects in part the company’s continuing efforts to reduce the flaring of natural gas. The company’s spill performance has continued to improve, with spill volume declining 42 percent between 2003 and 2004. Over the past five years, the volume of oil spills has been reduced by more than 90 percent. Also in 2004, the U.S. Department of Energy selected Chevron to lead a consortium to explore the practical applications for hydrogen infrastructure and fuel cell vehicles. In addition, the company exceeded its 2004 energy efficiency target by two full points, saving approximately 20.85 trillion Btus of energy and $72 million in costs compared with the previous year.
Revenue Transparency: Chevron continued to support increased transparency of energy-related revenues. During 2004, Chevron negotiated a production sharing contract with the Nigeria-São Tomé e Pr íncipe Joint Development Authority (JDA) that commits the JDA to disclose payments companies make to it. Also in 2004, Chevron and our partners, the Angolan government, and Sonangol (the national oil company) negotiated a groundbreaking public announcement of a $210 million signing bonus and an additional $80 million social bonus.
Employee Survey: Results of Chevron’s 2004 Global Employee Survey indicated that 89 percent of employees think the company acts responsibly in relation to the environment, 86 percent think Chevron operates responsibly in society and the communities in which it operates, and 82 percent say they are treated with dignity and respect. Chevron’s scores on the overall survey compared favorably with high-performing companies across multiple industry sectors.
Posted by Editor Pipeline Magazine
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