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OPEC to ease problems caused by Katrina

Posted: 05 September 2005
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Aside from offers of extra crude oil, OPEC is considering other measures it can take to help ease the severe problems caused by Hurricane Katrina, which hit the south-east of the United States of America earlier this week.

Sheikh Ahmad Fahad Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, OPEC President and Kuwait’s Minister of Energy, said he was in consultations with OPEC’s other Ministers of Oil and Energy identifying what additional measures could be taken.

Al-Sabah said that he added that he was in touch with the US authorities and the International Energy Agency, with a view to determine more precisely the nature of the country’s needs.

Speaking as Kuwait ’s Minister of Energy, he said the Kuwait Petroleum Corporation was looking into what could be done in terms of contributing supplies of crude and products. OPEC will give all these matters further serious consideration at the forthcoming Meeting of its Conference in Vienna , Austria , on 19 September.

Posted by Editor Pipeline Magazine
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