Wood Group Wins Six Year Gas Turbine Maintenance Contract
Posted: 05 September 2005
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Wood Group Heavy Industrial Turbines (WGHIT), part of the Gas Turbine Services Division of John Wood Group PLC (“Wood Group”), has been awarded a $9 million, six year gas turbine maintenance contract at Fellside Heat and Power Ltd in Cumbria, England, by MBpx, a consortium comprising the px group and Mitsui Babcock in the UK, responsible for the Operations and Maintenance (O&M) at Fellside Heat and Power Ltd. Fellside Heat and Power Ltd is owned by British Nuclear Group Limited.
The contract involves the provision of packaged maintenance services for three General Electric Frame 6581 gas turbines, including the supply of parts manufactured under WGHIT’s APM® (Advanced Parts Manufacture) programme, advanced technology component repair, field and engineering services. This contract now brings to more than 60, the number of GE technology heavy industrial turbines under similar total maintenance packages within Wood Group.
Roger Steward, Commercial Director for WGHIT, said: “We are extremely pleased to have been awarded this contract on critical gas turbine plant where high availability of the plant is important to the owner and operator. WGHIT’s growing track record of performance in such contracts is increasingly being recognised by the world’s major energy providers”
Paul Verrill, Contract Manager for MBpx, said: “WGHIT and MBpx have successfully developed a contractual structure which is significantly aligned to the owner’s performance and availability drivers for the plant. Initial feedback from the owner on WGHIT’s response and performance has been very positive.”
Posted by Editor Pipeline Magazine
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