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Brunei Shell Petroleum Purchases Three S-92 Helicopters

Posted: 19 September 2005
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Sikorsky Aircraft reports that Brunei Shell Petroleum (BSP) has contracted to buy three S-92 helicopters for offshore oil service.

With this contract, BSP becomes the first oil company in Asia to select the S-92 for fleet operations. BSP and Sikorsky announced the deal in a signing ceremony here today at the Oil and Gas Discovery Centre before an audience of government officials, BSP representatives and other guests.

"We're confident that the S-92 will provide BSP excellent performance, reliability, and safety operating in the challenging offshore environment of the South China Sea," said Pete Saloomey, Sikorsky's Regional Executive for Asia.

Sikorsky and BSP have a business relationship that dates back to 1967 when the company put into service its first S-61N for offshore oil service. Since then BSP has accumulated more than 139,000 flight hours with its S-61N fleet.

"With the S-92, Brunei Shell has selected an aircraft that will build upon the S-61's legacy," Saloomey said. "On behalf of Sikorsky Aircraft, I'd like to thank BSP for selecting the S-92 for this vital mission and demonstrating continued confidence in our company and this great aircraft."

Since first deliveries began in 2004, the S-92 has quickly made its mark in the offshore oil industry. S-92s are currently providing offshore revenue service for four operators in the North Sea , the Gulf of Mexico , and off Nova Scotia , Canada , with more than 4,500 fleet hours combined.

The S-92 helicopter was the first rotorcraft in the world certified by the FAA to FAR Part 29 Transport Rotorcraft, Amendment 47, the latest US safety regulations, as well as the equivalent European Aviation Safety Agency/Joint Aviation Authorities (EASA/JAA) standards.

Posted by Editor Pipeline Magazine
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