of Alaska and producers meet to discuss natural gas pipeline
Posted: 30 March 2003
JUNEAU, Alaska — Exxon Mobil Corporation
and the other two major Alaska North Slope Gas producers met with
Governor Frank Murkowski yesterday and discussed the proposed $20
billion Alaska Gas Pipeline project.
This project would involve a pipeline system to deliver gas from
Alaska's North Slope to the Lower-48 states.
Yesterday's meeting outlined activities and plans between the producers
and the State of Alaska. Representatives of ExxonMobil, BP, and
ConocoPhillips met with Governor Murkowski and his staff to discuss
plans for entering into negotiations regarding state fiscal certainty,
as well as ways to reduce project cost and improve project viability.
Yesterday's meeting followed a unanimous vote by the Alaska House
of Representatives for passage of House Bill 16, the reauthorization
of the Alaska Stranded Gas Development Act.
This bill, once signed into law, will allow the producers and the
State to enter into negotiations regarding fiscal certainty and
clarity for the Alaska Gas Pipeline project.
The bill now moves to the Alaska State Senate. The producers are
optimistic that these negotiations could begin soon after HB16 is
signed into law.
These negotiations could produce contract terms by year-end that
could be sent to the State Legislature for approval in 2004.
In addition, the producers and Governor discussed the national
significance of the pipeline project. Passage of federal enabling
legislation remains a critical component to project viability.
The parties agreed to continue efforts to promote passage of this
legislation currently under review by the U.S. Congress. (BUSINESS

Posted by Richard Price,
Editor Pipeline Magazine
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