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ExxonMobil announces cogeneration expansion in Baytown

Posted: 31 March 2003

BAYTOWN, Texas — ExxonMobil today announced plans to expand its cogeneration facilities at the Baytown, Texas manufacturing complex.

This expansion will increase the energy efficiency at the Complex's refinery and two chemical plants, and will help decrease the region's emissions of greenhouse gases.

The project, located on the Baytown Olefins Plant site, will include the addition of a 160 megawatt gas turbine generator, coupled with a heat-recovery unit producing 560,000 pounds per hour of steam used in the manufacturing processes.

Utilizing the most efficient technology available today, the new cogeneration unit will produce both steam and electricity from clean-burning natural gas at an efficiency rate of about twice traditional power generation.

This one generator is large enough to supply the average energy needs of at least 100,000 people in the United States.

"ExxonMobil is always focused on improving our performance by looking for ways to increase our energy efficiency and thereby reduce energy costs and emissions at our manufacturing sites," said Bob Bailes, Baytown Olefins Plant manager. "The new cogeneration facilities will be a win-win by reducing both."

Currently, ExxonMobil has more than 80 cogeneration units located around the world.

Energy savings from these units are equivalent to the residential electricity needs of Maine, Vermont and New Hampshire combined.

ExxonMobil has installed nearly 2,900 megawatts of cogeneration capacity worldwide with efficiency gains sufficient to service nearly one million U.S. residential households.

Nearly 900 megawatts of new capacity are either in the planning or construction phase in North America alone, which will further reduce carbon dioxide emissions by more than 2 million tons per year.

When completed, the Baytown project will aid in the reduction of greenhouse gases equivalent to removing 30,000 cars from the region's roads.

The new facilities also contribute to the region's overall efforts to reduce NOx (Nitrogen Oxide) emissions to help meet the Federal Clean Air standards.

Construction on the Baytown unit begins in mid-summer 2003, with a peak construction workforce of 200 in early 2004. The facilities are expected to be operational in late 2004.

The ExxonMobil Baytown manufacturing complex has been producing its own cogenerated electricity for almost 40 years. (BUSINESS WIRE)

Posted by Richard Price, Editor Pipeline Magazine

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