to develop Angola's Dalia Field
Posted: 7 May 2003
State-owned Sonangol of Angola has authorized TotalFinaElf, as
operator of Block 17, to award the key contracts for developing
the Dalia oil field.
Discovered in 1997, near the Girassol field, Dalia is located 135
kilometers offshore in water depths of between 1,200 and 1,500 meters.
The development project includes 34 production wells, 30 water
injection wells and three gas injection wells.
The floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel for
Dalia will constitute a second pole of production on Block 17.
Capable of processing 240,000 barrels of oil per day, the Dalia
FPSO will also have a storage capacity of 2 million barrels of oil.
In total, the development of the Dalia project represents an estimated
investment of $3.4 billion.
The launch of Dalia, due on stream during the second half of 2006,
is a key step in the development of Block 17, where 15 earlier discoveries
have been made.
It follows the development of Girassol, brought on stream in late
2001, and Jasmim, a satellite to the Girassol field, which is scheduled
to begin production in the second half of 2003.
The concessionaire of Block 17 is Sonangol. TotalFinaElf has a
40 per cent interest in Block 17 along with Esso Exploration Angola
(Block 17) Ltd. (20 per cent), BP Exploration (Angola) Ltd. (16.67
per cent), Statoil Angola Block 17 AS (13.33 per cent) and Norsk
Hydro (10 per cent).

Posted by Richard Price,
Editor Pipeline Magazine
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