Iraq contract award sparks UK interest
Posted: 18 May 2003
On April 17th the US Agency for International Development announced
the award of the Iraq Capital Construction Contract.
The Capital Construction Contract is by far the largest to be handed
out by USAID as part of the planned reconstruction process; it covers
the infrastructure repair work on power generation facilities, electrical
grids, municipal water systems and sewage systems.
As conditions in Iraq begin to stabilise, the project will need
to mobilise staff quickly from all over the world. EPCglobal, the
staffing solutions company, is preparing to meet the upcoming demand
for contractors and staff from the UK.
The company uses web-based technology to manage one of the largest
engineering staff networks in the world, with over 1,400 contractors
currently on assignment., their web based recruitment solution has been coordinating
the influx of applications and enquiries resulting from the massive
interest in Iraq from British E&C professionals. $5m was invested
in the web based recruitment tool and the Iraq project represents
a unique opportunity to demonstrate the value of the system and
showcase its capabilities.
Tim O'Brien, UK Managing Director of EPCglobal, believes that EPCjobs
will prove itself ideally placed to co-ordinate the growing interest
in Iraq from professional engineers across the UK.
"With this amount of work in the pipeline, the system will
be invaluable to aid in the sourcing and deployment of the hundreds
of UK based contract staff potentially required by the projects,"
he says.
"At the moment we are focused on compiling a pool of interested
candidates. These will be instantly accessible to hiring managers
when the vacancies become live."
EPCjobs is openly available to companies and projects in the UK
and abroad. Candidates can register their details online and gain
instant access to potential vacancies in Iraq and on other projects
across the world.
Hiring companies can also register to gain direct access to the
thousands of engineers already registered with the site. Unlike
other online recruitment tools, EPCjobs deals exclusively in engineering
and construction, so whilst its reach is international it retains
a very specific focus and understands the technical requirements
of clients and contractors in detail.
Generic Job Requisitions have been posted for the Iraq Reconstruction
Project at
Contractors interested in potential positions in Iraq are advised
to register their details and apply to one of the provisional requisitions.

Posted by Richard Price,
Editor Pipeline Magazine
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