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Aggreko supplies power to initiate rehabilitation of Iraq

Posted: 9 June 2003

Aggreko provides power to restart essential port services and facilitate reconstruction and humanitarian aid operations.

  • Ships 28 MVA of temporary power to Umm Qasr Port
  • One of the first commercial shipments since end of military action in Iraq

Aggreko International, a division of Aggreko plc global leader in providing temporary power and temperature control services, today announced that they are providing 28 MVA of temporary power generation equipment to help initiate reconstruction and rehabilitation operations in Iraq.

The equipment is being supplied from the Aggreko regional headquarters in the Jebel Ali Free Zone, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

It was shipped on 7th June destined for Umm Qasr, Iraq’s only deep water port, located at the head of the Persian Gulf.

This will be one of the first non-food aid shipments to arrive in the country following the conclusion of military activities in Iraq in April 2003.

Aggreko’s client for this project is the Bechtel Corporation. Bechtel has been selected by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through its Iraq Infrastructure Reconstruction Program to participate in the design, rehabilitation, upgrading, reconstruction, and construction of Iraq’s infrastructure.

Derek Shepherd, Managing Director Aggreko International said “The lynch pin of this rehabilitation program is the opening up of the port at Umm Qasr to allow passage of cargo and materials for reconstruction activities and the uninterrupted flow of humanitarian aid to Iraq. In projects such as these, speed is vital.

I am proud to report that from receiving this order to the provision of first power, Aggreko will have specified, mobilised and commissioned the total project within 8 days.

We will also remain on-site at Umm Qasr with a team of highly qualified and experienced engineers, to provide 24/7 operation and maintenance support.

The initial contract will last for six months. Our experience of operating in challenging locations and our ability to respond quickly makes us well positioned to supply power generation services for other rehabilitation and humanitarian aid projects in Iraq.”

Posted by Richard Price, Editor Pipeline Magazine

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