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Power Developments International secure Bahrain contract

Posted: 15 June 2003

Power Developments International has secured a major break through in the Middle East market with an US$8 million contract to build a gas turbine power station at Hidd Industrial Area in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

The contract, awarded by Bahrain Electricity Supply and Transmission, is for the construction of a 23MW open cycle power plant based upon a single, refurbished Frame 5 gas turbine. It will provide electricity to a Ferro-Alloys plant, which is currently under construction.

Design work has been completed to a significant extent and site construction will start shortly to achieve the scheduled completion of the project by early 2004.

Power Developments International is a Dubai; UAE based joint venture between Innogy plc and MJB International. During the execution of this power plant project Innogy plc will be providing Project/Site Management and all Engineering Support plus Specialist Services. The refurbishment and commissioning / start up of the gas turbine generator package is being undertaken by MJB International.

“I am delighted that we have been awarded this important contract by Bahrain Electricity Supply and Transmission WLL which acknowledges our extensive expertise in gas turbine refurbishment and complete power plant construction. It is a significant development as we continue to grow our business worldwide,” said John Kay, General Manager of Power Developments International.

About Innogy
Innogy, an RWE company, is an integrated energy company whose core businesses are energy production, retailing, through its brand name npower, operations and engineering. These are supported by a trading business, which manages the operational, and market risk exposures of the individual business. Innogy is one of the successor companies formed when National Power demerged in October 2000.

Innogy provides support and specialist services to other power plant owners and operators around the world. Its expertise is in improving power plant reliability and efficiency, and environmental management to deliver optimal commercial performance. Innogy has teams that can support every aspect of a power project from planning, consents, construction, commissioning, through life-time operations and maintenance, to eventual decommissioning, across a wide range of technologies

About MJB International
MJB International Ltd is a joint venture company between Chromalloy and Mohammed Bin Masaood & Sons. In conjunction with its affiliate company Masaood John Brown, MJB International have been market leaders in Gas Turbine services and industrial rotating equipment in the Middle East for over 20 years.
Chromalloy is a subsidiary of Sequa Corporation, quoted on the New York Stock Exchange, and the largest independent Gas Turbine Component Company in the world. With this additional technology transferred from Chromalloy brings a new dimension to the range of services MJBI offer.

For more information see

Posted by Richard Price, Editor Pipeline Magazine

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