utilises manpower benchmarking in Saudi Arabia
Posted: 19 June 2003
Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) has signed a six-year
contract with Shell Global Solutions International BV for its Shell
manpower index (SMI) benchmarking process.
The process will enable SABIC to conduct a manpower benchmarking
study for its manufacturing sites. The results of the study should
help the organisation to identify the optimum number of workers
needed at each site for efficient operation.
SMI is based on the number of hours worked, the complexity of the
equipment used, and the amount of time necessary to operate and
maintain it.
The methodology has been developed by Shell Global Solutions from
data gathered over the last 20 years from the Shell Group’s
refineries, gas plants and petrochemical complexes around the world.
“SABIC will be able to determine uniform staffing levels
across its existing 15 sites, and will also have the opportunity
to compare the manpower efficiency performance of newly acquired
companies,” says Martijn Vogelzang, business development manager,
chemicals, Shell Global Solutions International BV.
“The methodology can also be used to forecast workforce requirements
for new plants. Other benchmarking tools compare similar types of
technology with each other, such as comparing one ethylene cracker
with another ethylene cracker. But other tools cannot analyse a
whole site. The beauty of the SMI process is that as well as benchmarking
the whole site with different plants, it can also benchmark the
same type of plant on different sites. No other system offers that
combination,” says Vogelzang.
Koos-Jan Mojet, from Shell Global Solutions International BV’s
consultancy group is project leader for the contract and has developed
the benchmarking methodology for SABIC. He says, “SABIC considers
SMI to be one of the major ways of raising its performance to best
in class. By using the tool, the company will be able to identify
its best performers in all parts of the organisation, and will use
it as a starting point to identify best practices.”
The licence will cover all of SABIC’s sites, except metals
and secondary industries, and will include the plants processing
basic and intermediate chemicals, polymers and fertilisers. Shell
Global Solutions will carry out training and assist with the benchmarking
in the first year, and will provide a help-desk service in subsequent
“An important part of the work that Shell Global Solutions
provides, which puts us ahead our competitors, is that we stay and
help the customer implement the project,” Mojet adds.
With over 2600 professionals, Shell Global Solutions helps its
customers to maintain their competitive edge, optimise plant and
process performance, formulate and develop new products and manage
operational safety and environmental challenges more effectively.
Shell Global Solutions provides solutions to a range of customers
in the oil, gas, additive, chemical, motor sport and industrial
Shell Global Solutions is made up of six independent technology
companies within the Royal Dutch/Shell Group. Together, they can
draw upon more than 50 years experience in research, development,
technical services and operational expertise.

Posted by Richard Price,
Editor Pipeline Magazine
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