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TNO Workshop 'Pulsation and Vibration Control'

Posted: 29 June 2003

On 17, 18 and 19 November 2003 TNO TPD is organising a workshop on the prevention and solution of pulsation and vibration problems in fluid machinery, pipe systems and equipment

In 2002 some 25 engineers from companies such as Shell, NAM, DSM/SABIC, Thomassen, Sulzer, Technip en Kværner participated in the workshop.

The course is intended for rotating equipment and piping engineers as well as for engineers and project leaders involved in the design, operation, optimisation and maintenance of process installations.

The workshop is particularly interesting for those who are occupied in troubleshooting vibration and pulsation problems in the process industry.

The emphasis in this workshop lies on the applications of the theory of pulsation and vibration in fluid machinery, pipe systems and instrumentation.

On 17 and 18 November pulsation and vibration topics will be considered.

The theme of the additional day on 19 November is 'Recent developments in API 618 and API 674'.

The venue for the workshop is TNO TPD, Stieltjesweg 1 in Delft. The language will be English.

The two-day workshop costs EUR 800, excluding VAT but including all course materials, beverages, lunch and one dinner.

The additional day is a further EUR 250.

For more information, please contact Mr E. van Bokhorst, tel. +31 15-2692346, fax +31 15-2692111, e-mail

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Posted by Richard Price, Editor Pipeline Magazine

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