Oracle and Yahoo bring news to enterprise portals
Posted: 16 July 2003
Includes access to more than 2,000 Yahoo! aggregated content
Oracle Corporation and Yahoo! Inc announced a relationship to provide
enterprise customers with more news choices for their employee portals.
Customers will have access to more than 100 pre-built news applications,
called portlets, featuring content from more than 2,000 web and
premium news and trade sources.
These Yahoo! portlets can be aggregated, personalized, and delivered
directly to users of enterprise portals running on Oracle9i Application
As enterprise portals become the interface for business applications
to employees, it is critical to increase end user adoption and drive
repeat usage of corporate portals and extranets. Personalized content
and information is key to portal adoption and user retention over
Oracle9i Application Server, which is already used by more than
16,000 organizations worldwide, coupled with Yahoo!'s proven ability
to aggregate and integrate high-value, personalized content delivers
a compelling user experience that helps assure a corporate portal
is used to its full potential.
“We are especially pleased to be offering high-quality, personalized
Yahoo! content for Oracle9i Application Server customers,”
said Ayman Abouseif, Oracle Senior Marketing Director for Middle
East, Africa, Eastern and Central Europe “This combined solution
brings top-tier industry content into our innovative portal product
and enables customers to reduce the cost of acquiring and managing
external content.”
“Yahoo! is committed to delivering value-added services and
applications that improve the effectiveness of the enterprise portal
platform as a highly personalized business communications medium,”
said Steve Boom, senior vice president, Yahoo! Enterprise Solutions.
“The relationship with Oracle provides our joint customers
the access and control needed to integrate My Yahoo! Enterprise
Edition’s aggregated content and tools together with a powerful
platform for building the enterprise portal environment.”
Over 2,000 Emerson Motor Company employees rely on their My.EMC
corporate portal to collaborate and communicate with each other,
using it to increase productivity and meet the changing information
needs of the company.
“For Emerson Motor Company’s portal, built on Oracle9i
Application Server, delivering high-quality content provides constant
value to our users,” said Paul Deal, director of eBusiness,
Emerson Motor Co. “We're very enthusiastic about the possibility
of integrating My Yahoo! Enterprise Edition's portlets and personalized
content into the My EMC corporate portal. We expect that having
this high-value external content blended with our corporate information
will help drive user adoption and boost corporate productivity.”
Consumer Meets Enterprise
The combination of My Yahoo! Enterprise Edition and Oracle9i Application
Server combines the best elements of the consumer version of My
Yahoo! with enhanced portal features that meet the content, network
and integration needs of business users and administrators. Features
- Enhanced Content and Portlets: Premium content and enhanced,
business-focused portlets such as Industry News, Industry Performance,
Company News, News Tracker and more, from leading sources such
as Reuters, AFP, CBS and Business Week.
- Content Delivered Directly to Portal Page: Users can simply
and easily add Headlines, Stock Quotes, Weather, Maps, to their
personal portal page. When seeking deeper information, users simply
click text links to services such as Yahoo! News, Yahoo! Finance,
or Yahoo! Weather. Full-text content resides on Yahoo!’s
network servers, not on the corporate portal infrastructure allowing
customers to forego the expense and hassle of content hosting.
- Linked Accounts: The portal technology in Oracle9i Application
Server allows users to access their personalized preferences for
My Yahoo!. Blending external content into the corporate portal
means end users have a single view to all their personalized business
- Administrative Control: Portal administrators can utilize tools
to centrally manage the Oracle9i Application Server Portal framework
and control which Yahoo! portlets are exposed, and through the
use of model accounts, can “lock” selections for functional
role or geography.
- Aggregated Content Feed: The Oracle9i Application Server is
pre-integrated to receive content feeds via direct connection
to Yahoo!. This provides optimized performance to minimize the
amount of network traffic required to retrieve all the external
portal content.
The Oracle9i Application Server Content Provider for My Yahoo! Enterprise
Edition is available now from the Oracle9iAS Portal Center on the
Oracle Technology Network (OTN) for free download.
For Oracle9i Application Server customers, Yahoo! Inc. is providing
a free trial subscription to My Yahoo! Enterprise Edition content.
About Oracle9i Application Server
Oracle solves the IT challenge of integrating fragmented middleware
products to run an e-business by providing one product that can
replace more than 12 separate point products from other vendors.
Oracle9i Application Server features full J2EE 1.3 support, built-in
enterprise portal software, high-speed caching, business intelligence,
rapid application development, application and business integration,
Web services and more, all in one package.
About My Yahoo! Enterprise Edition
My Yahoo! EE is a suite of more than 100 web-based portlets and
tools that allow your employees to manage, customize and monitor
the dynamic content that’s essential to their industry, company,
geography or functional role.
About Oracle
Oracle is the world's largest enterprise software company. For more
information see
About Yahoo! Inc.
Yahoo! Inc. is a leading provider of comprehensive online products
and services to consumers and businesses worldwide. Yahoo! reaches
more than 237 million individuals worldwide each month, and is the
No. 1 Internet brand globally. Headquartered in Sunnyvale, Calif.,
Yahoo!'s global network includes 25 World properties and is available
in 13 languages.

Posted by Richard Price,
Editor Pipeline Magazine
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