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Magnetrol user-friendly free space radar

Posted: 19 July 2003

Pulsar, the “Pulse Burst Radar” of Magnetrol is one of the first radars on the market that does not need external software, PC or any other external tooling.

Further, it uses no complex symbols nor signs for customer configuration and set up.

The Pulsar shares the same customer interface as the Eclipse Guided Wave Radar (TDR), who’s menu structure has been praised multiple times by users as well as in 3rd party comparison tests.

The clear 2-line menu structure where dimensions are entered as level values instead of distance data are a major help for set up.

The Pulsar is 24 V DC loop powered and equipped with highly energy efficient circuitry of the newest generation.

The new circuitry avoids duty cycling to accomplish effective measurement. For this reason Pulsar can track level changes up to 4,5 m / min.

The universal amplifier is housed in a dual compartment housing and connects directly to a horn or dielectric rod type antenna via a quick connect/ disconnect coupling.

The antennas are available in different lengths for various nozzle heights. One amplifier can be kept in stock and used with all antenna types via simple, customer software configuration.

The PulsarTM emits short bursts of 6 GHz energy and measures the transit time of the signal reflected off the liquid surface.

Its lower frequency allows the unit to service tougher process applications (foam, agitation) including liquids with dielectrics as low as 1.7. The system uses a linearly polarized microwave beam that can be rotated to improve its performance.

Proper orientation will reduce the amount of unwanted reflections from obstructions or sidewall reflections (multipath). Via the menu configuration, it is a simple procedure to have the unit identify false targets and to eliminate these for level evaluation.

The Pulsar series complements the established Eclipse® range from Magnetrol, the market leading Guided Wave Radar transmitter for technically challenging applications. The Pulsar is ideally suited for applications with longer measuring ranges up to 20m and /or applications with highly viscous or aggressive media.

For more information see

Posted by Richard Price, Editor Pipeline Magazine

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