Hardman Resources North Perth Basin drilling update
Posted:8 August 2003
A three month Extended Production Test (EPT) on the Jingemia-1
oil discovery well, was completed on 4 August 2003.
Oil production during the EPT ranged from a constrained 1,000 bopd
to 1,900 bopd and in excess of 123,000 barrels of oil was produced
with no water.
The well is now shut-in to measure pressure build up in the oil
reservoir. Analysis of the test production data will enable the
joint venture partners to determine the optimum field development
Hardman’s net 22.376 per cent share of oil produced was 27,716
barrels which has been sold to the BP Refinery, at Kwinana.
Jingemia-2 appraisal well: Following the encouraging results from
the EPT, the EP 413 joint venture has agreed to drill the Jingemia-2
well, which will appraise the southern flank of the field.
The well is to be directionally drilled to intersect the oil reservoir
at an approximate distance of 1 kilometre to the southeast of Jingemia-1,
to a planned total depth of 2,466 metres. Jingemia-2 is currently
scheduled to spud in late August 2003.
Leafcutter-1 Exploration Well
Site preparation for the Leafcutter-1 exploration well is nearing
It is expected that the conductor casing will be set in the next
week and that drilling will commence about 24 August 2003. Leafcutter-1
is a 1,400 metre exploration well which will test the upthrown (high)
block of the Beagle Ridge to the west of the Woodada Gas Field.
The well is being drilled by the 100% Hardman owned Logue Rig and
is within the Woodada
Production Licence (L4) located approximately 260 kilometres north
of Perth, Western Australia.
A period of sixteen days has been estimated for the completion of
drilling operations at
Participants in the Leafcutter-1 well are, Hardman Resources Ltd
(Operator) 75 per cent; Bounty Oil & Gas NL 25 per cent.
For more information see http://www.hdr.com.au/.

Posted by Richard Price,
Editor Pipeline Magazine
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