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In-line inspection of pipelines course

Posted: 12 August 2003

September 23-24, 2003, Abu Dhabi Hilton
Course Lecturer: Michael Beller, NDT Systems & Services

Pipelines provide one, if not the safest and most economic means to transport large quantities of oil and gas.

Great care is taken in designing, constructing and maintaining pipelines. However, just as with any other technical components, pipelines can degrade with time. Flaws and imperfections can appear in the pipe material.

These anomalies must be detected, measured and located before they develop into critical defects, which can lead to failure of the pipeline.

A very important part of the maintenance process for pipelines is inspection. In-line inspection tools or intelligent pigs can be used to internally inspect a pipeline. They collect geometric data on any flaws present and this data can be used for the integrity assessment of the inspected line.

This course will provide an in-depth introduction to the in-line inspection of pipelines. The latest tool technologies will be presented in addition to the unique feature of the course with an overview of all the vendors active in the market. Information will be provided ranging from the selection of tools, the planning of inspections and how to make use of the data obtained during the process that assists in the overall issue of integrity assessment and integrity management. The course will be highly interactive and take the form of lectures, workshops, and case studies.

All participants will receive a certificate of attendance.

Course Objectives
The course will provide an in-depth introduction into the subject of the in-line inspection of pipelines. What part does in-line inspection play in the overall pipeline inspection and pipeline maintenance procedures. The course will introduce the flaws and anomalies observed in pipelines. In-line inspection tools and the various physical principles they use will be covered in depth. The material covered gives details of pipeline inspection operations, including pipeline preparation, cleaning and gauging. Final reports and reporting formats are discussed. The course also includes a short introduction into data analysis and integrity assessment.

Who Should Attend
Pipeline engineers, technicians or other interested personnel from operators. Engineering Consultants active in the field of non-destructive testing and integrity assessment. Personnel from the authorities or certification bodies involved with pipeline inspection and assessment will benefit from participation.

Dr. Michael Beller has over 15 years of experience in the pipeline inspection industry. Formerly with Preussag Pipeline Services, Pipetronix and PII, he is today the Global Marketing Manager of NDT Systems & Services AG.

Michael holds a Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering and obtained his PhD in fracture mechanics. He has been involved with a large number of inspection projects around the world, including onshore and offshore inspection work. Michael has considerable experience as a presenter, trainer and in lecturing.

He has authored more than 40 papers on the subject of pipeline inspection and intelligent pigging and is also co-author of a German reference book on Pigging Technology.

Currently Michael serves on a number of Technical Committees and is also a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Pipeline Integrity.

He is the former president of the Pipeline Products and Services Association, where he still serves as a director.

For more information contact
Enterprise Training International
Enterprise House,
19 George Street, Maulden, Bedfordshire MK45 2DF, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1525 840424 Fax: +44 (0)1525 841715

Posted by Richard Price, Editor Pipeline Magazine

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