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Halliburton 500 million miles safe-driving milestone

Posted: 2 September 2003

Employees of Halliburton's Energy Services Group have surpassed 500 million miles of work-related driving without an employee fatality. The 500-million mile record is for miles driven from January 2001 through July 2003 and included more than 35,000 employees around the world.

To help you understand the significance of 500 million miles, it is comparable to 1,060 roundtrips to the moon, approximately 20,078 rotations around the earth, and in distance five times farther away than the sun.

Pat Cook, director of Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) for ESG, credits the achievement to the use of seat belts in company vehicles and implementation of Journey Management, a process that ensures that trips are justified and vehicles are in proper working order. Another very important element is ensuring driver competency.

The International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (OGP) released global statistics for 2002 that showed vehicle accidents as the number one cause of employee fatalities in the oil and gas industry. In fact, the report stated that 27.5 percent of all employee work-related deaths in 2002 occurred in vehicle accidents.

"Historically, Halliburton mirrored that trend with a significant portion of our serious incidents occurring in vehicle accidents. That is why this achievement is so significant to us. Given the extreme variation in driving conditions that we endure globally, this is a tremendous achievement for Halliburton," said Brady Murphy, vice president of management systems for Halliburton's ESG. "We're very proud of this record and we are challenging our employees to continue to follow the rules of the road and work to influence families and friends to drive safely as well."

Halliburton, founded in 1919, is one of the world's largest providers of products and services to the petroleum and energy industries. The company serves its customers with a broad range of products and services through its Energy Services Group and Engineering and Construction Group business segments.

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Posted by Richard Price, Editor Pipeline Magazine

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