ABB awards Snøhvit pipeline monitoring to Cormon
Posted: 2 September 2003
Cormon, the leading provider of corrosion/erosion management technology
and flow-assurance solutions has been awarded a substantial order
from ABB Offshore Systems to design and build three of its innovative
RPCM pipeline monitoring spools.
The spools will be installed on Statoil’s Snøhvit
gas field in the Barents Sea where ABB is contracted to provide
the complete subsea production system.
The RPCM spools will be installed as part of the record breaking
143 km multi-phase flowline which will be the longest offshore pipeline
built to transport untreated wellstreams.
The spools will be a key component in the corrosion management
system for this carbon steel pipeline, providing real-time corrosion
rate data across ABB’s fibre optic link direct to the onshore
control room near Hammerfest.
The design of the RPCM spools, two of which are subsea, is derived
from equipment already installed successfully in the North Sea but
will have some custom features to meet the high pressure, deepwater
and large diameter requirements of the project.
The low power consumption of the Cormon electronics, which interface
directly with ABB’s subsea control system using a long distance
communications protocol, is ideal for this very remote installation
where power use must be carefully optimised.
As the latest generation of projects like Snøhvit move installations
to the seabed and depend on carbon steel material for pipelines,
the level of sophistication required to manage flow assurance issues
rises significantly.
Technologies like RPCM, backed up by Cormon’s Flow Assurance
& Optimisation (FAO) project capability, complement the advances
in production technology and enable new, more flexible, development
For more information see

Posted by Richard Price,
Editor Pipeline Magazine
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