Plastic hook improves workfloor safety
Posted: 4 September 2003
Cablesafe is a development from the offshore industry to improve
safety on decks, stairs, scaffolding and other structures.
Disorder on the workshop floor during building and maintenance
works can lead to accidents which in certain cases may result in
longterm absence due to injury with the possible consequence of
liable action beeing taken.
More than 20 per cent of accidents are the result of falls caused
by tripping over electrical cables, welding cables, firehoses, airhoses
etc. spread over decks and workfloors.
Such accidents can easily be avoided by using the Cablesafe to
suspent all cables, extension cords, wires and hoses away from the
These simple “S” shaped hooks are produced from very
strong and sophisticated non conductive and non flammable reinforced
polyester and can be used again and again.
The Dutch chemical and petrochemical industries and the offshore
industry were among the first to discover the great advantage of
this system; during a "turn-around" or a "shut-down"
the contractors are obliged to suspent all their utility cables
in these hooks.
By the end of 1999 the major companies such as Dow, Exxon, Shell,
ICI , Arco and many others are subscribing the use of the hooks
in their specifications.
In case of emergency situations the escape routes are kept free
of obstacles which is of vital importance when seconds can save
human life and firefigthers and salvage people will have better
access to the place of the accident.
Since the hooks are non conductive there will be less interruption
of work due to short circuiting and the danger of electrification
will be reduces significantly.
Practical use of the hooks learns that there is an additional benefit
of a more economic use of cables and hoses, the number of cables
which are not necessary will be reduced and the lifetime of the
cables will be longer because risk of damage due to sharp edges
will be reduced to a minimum.
After successful introduction in the chemical and offshoreindustry
the Cablesafe was also discovered by the shipbuilding and shipsrepairindustry.
In the Netherlands more than 50 per cent of the shipyards have introduced
the use of Cablesafe over the past 2 years and is to be expected
that it will become a standard practise to use the hooks on all
To avoid confusion among different contractors about the ownership
of hooks it is possible to obtain a different colour and to have
the owners name engraved in the hook.
There are 3 sizes and on each hooks is specified its maximum allowed
load. On each end of the hook is a hole which will eanble the user
to saveguard the hooks and cables by means of a Tie-Rap.
For more information see

Posted by Richard Price,
Editor Pipeline Magazine
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