to complement Europe's largest gas event
Posted: 16 September 2003
Building on the success of the annual FLAME event - which regularly
attracts over 650 senior gas professionals and is Europe’s
largest and most prestigious Gas Conference – ICBI is launching
FlameTECH, a brand new exhibition & conference to complement
FlameTECH will run alongside FLAME and will showcase the latest
products, services and solutions available to oil and gas majors
and energy companies in Europe. FlameTECH has already received an
overwhelmingly positive response from the market, and is supported
by Shell Global Solutions, Gasunie Research, Skyline Technologies,
Siemens, KEMA, Advantica, Cryostar, Eurogas, GPA, the International
Institute of Gas Engineers & Managers, and GERG amongst others.
David Roberts, Event Director of FlameTECH comments: “The
show provides vendors and service providers with an unparalleled
opportunity to meet and discuss practical solutions to user and
operator company concerns. The quality of the participants, combined
with the conference speakers and attendees will be second to none.
FlameTECH is a focused, solutions driven meeting place designed
to enable valuable business relationships with users to be formed
and reinforced.”
FlameTECH focusses on the technical aspects of gas production,
processing and gas fired power generation with particular reference
to issues such as improving efficiency and safety, as well as reducing
emissions in line with environmental directives at all stages of
the production process. Beginning with offshore, upstream developments
and then moving on to transmission, processing and storage, including
all the latest developments in LNG technology, FlameTECH addresses
the problems faced by major gas companies in maximising the efficiency
of their assets without compromising safety or the environment.
As an extension of this, the way these issues impact on the gas
fired power generation process forms the final part of FlameTECH's
FlameTECH includes a senior level conference, featuring 70 expert
industry speakers at the cutting edge of developing technical products
and solutions, including:
- Roy Bilbe, Director of R&D and Innovation, GASUNIE, The
- Paul Clarke, Head of Network, TRANSCO, UK
- Joep Font Frieda, GTL Technology Manager, BP, UK
- Juergen Groenner, Manager, Technical Services, THYSSENGAS,
- Terje Overvik, Executive Vice President, Technology, STATOIL,
- Trond Lilleng, Diector, Change Projects in Operations, NORSK
HYDRO, Norway
- Ari Suomilammi, Head of Transmission Department, GASUM, Finland
- Peter Taff, Director of European Operations, CENTRICA, UK
For more information see www.icbi-flametech.com.

Posted by Richard Price,
Editor Pipeline Magazine
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