Asia Pacific Petroleum Conference
Posted: 18 September 2003
APPEC 2003, 22 to 24 September 2003
Raffles City Convention Centre, Singapore
APPEC 2003 is scheduled to be held at the Raffles City Convention
Centre, Singapore from 22 to 24 September 2003.
At APPEC 2003 (19th Asia Pacific Petroleum Conference), internationally
respected industry experts will provide invaluable insights on what
are the emerging trends and developments in the region. Their predictions
perspectives will serve as useful beacons to guide APPEC participants
this crucial and testing time for the oil and related industry.
Since the inaugural event in 1985, the APPEC brand name has become
associated with the oil and related industry as being one of the
important forums for Asia. APPEC's proven track record has provided
it with
the credibility to attract leading oil experts and practitioners
to share
their expertise and knowledge at this annual conference
The conference complemented by the various networking and social
as well as an exhibition has proven to be a success and those who
participated over the years have benefited many times over from
this unique
Annually, more than 2,000 senior executives from the oil and related
industry will gather in Singapore during the APPEC conference period.
It has become an APPEC tradition for major international oil and
related organisations including ADNOC, BP, ENOC, Idemitsu, Kuwait
Petroleum, Marubeni, NYMEX, Saudi Petroleum, Sinochem, Kuwait Petroleum,
Statoil, SK Energy, Vitol etc to coincide their regional meetings
with the APPEC series.
For additional information on APPEC 2003 see www.appec.com.sg.

Posted by Richard Price,
Editor Pipeline Magazine
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