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PRO-CAD 3DSMART V2003 simplifies 3D piping design

Posted: 18 September 2003

PRO-CAD Software Ltd develops piping design applications for AutoCAD users.

With a comprehensive list of products, PRO-CAD is unique in its coverage of piping design software for 2D drafting and 3D modeling. Customers of PRO-CAD range from a large resource and engineering firms to small and medium sized companies involved in piping design in 35 countries.

PRO-CAD released 3DSMART V2003 on September 17, 2003. The new release is a result of extensive effort includes new features and refinements to improve and simplify 3D piping design efficiency.

The new release includes three editions designed to fit the specific needs of companies ranging from a single person operation to large engineering firms. The three editions are:

Personal Edition (PE): The Personal Edition is a standalone, non-networked application that is most suitable for companies with a single user. Apart from offering complete 3DSMART functionality, the Personal Edition offers simplified project management tools. This edition requires MSDE (Microsoft Database Engine) for its database system.

Small Business Edition (SBE): This edition is designed to provide solutions for small and medium-size companies with up to 10 users. It features simplified network management and requires minimal support and maintenance from IT personnel. The SBE includes all the functional features found in the Enterprise Edition. This edition requires SQL Server for its database system for network installations. If the software is installed in a non-network configuration, MSDE (Microsoft Database Engine) can be used as an alternative to SQL Server.

Enterprise Edition (EE): This edition is designed for large installations in excess of 10 users with substantial network traffic. It utilizes the robust features of COM/COM+ to deliver information to all departments in real-time. The Enterprise Edition utilizes Microsoft's SQL Server for its database system.

3DSMART's pricing offers exceptional value to customers interested in acquiring advanced database driven 3D design technology. The value priced Starter Suite software bundle includes all the modules needed to get you up-and-running with 3D modeling. The Starter Suite bundle includes:

  • Project Manager
  • Specification Manager
  • Modeler
  • BOM Generator
  • I-GEN (or Personal ISOGEN) for automated isometrics
  • Roamer for 3D model walkthroughs
  • Libraries for ANSI piping, structural steel, equipment, and engines/compressors
  • One year of Smart Care Maintenance Plan

For further information see:

For pricing information:

To download an evaluation version of the software, go to:

Posted by Richard Price, Editor Pipeline Magazine

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