officials at naming of KOGAS LNG carrier ‘SK Sunrise’
Posted: 1 October 2003
On September, 24th, senior RasGas officials were present to witness
the naming ceremony of “SK Sunrise”, eighth and latest
LNG tanker to be chartered by Korea Gas Corporation for RasGas trade.
The ceremony took place as planned this 24th of September at Samsung
Heavy Industries’ shipyard on Koje Island, which is a remarkable
feat considering the area had been hammered by Typhoon Maemi less
than two weeks ago.
The ceremony is typical of Samsung’s resolve to get back
to normal operations as soon as practically possible following the
previous weeks’ devastation.
The naming ceremony marks yet another milestone in the ongoing
and developing relationship between RasGas and KOGAS, representing
the first opportunity for KOGAS’ newly appointed President,
Oh Kang-Hyun and his officials to meet with Nasser Al Naimi, RasGas’
Commercial and Shipping Manager; Keith Trotter, Shipping Manager
and RasGas Marketing Committee member, Mike Drudy.
KOGAS’ President’s wife did the honours in true maritime
tradition by smashing a bottle against the ship’s side, while
the RasGas’ representatives wished the ship, her officers
and her crew “a fair wind and a following sea”.
The 138,000 m3 ship will be assigned to support RasGas’ long
term Sale and Purchase Agreement (SPA) with KOGAS as well any additional
spot cargoes. Under the terms of the SPA, signed in October 1995,
RasGas was contracted by KOGAS to supply 4.92 million metric tonnes
(MMTA) of LNG annually to South Korea, commencing in 1999, for a
period of 25 years. The new LNG carrier will also offer greater
flexibility in the supply of KOGAS’ seasonally driven spot
cargo requirements.
RasGas Company Limited was established in 2002 to operate and maintain
all facilities established and owned by the Ras Laffan Liquefied
Natural Gas Company Limited (Trains 1 & 2 — established
in 1999 and 2000) and Ras Laffan Liquefied Natural Gas Company Limited
(II) (Trains 3 & 4 — scheduled for operation in 2004 and
2005 respectively).
Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS) was established in 1983 by the Korean
Government to ensure that a strategic, environmentally friendly
energy source in the form of clean-burning natural could be distributed
throughout the country.
KOGAS’ portfolio of energy business interests include the
production and supply of natural gas, purification and selling of
gas-related by-products, building and operation of production facilities
and distribution networks as well as importing and exporting of
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) for domestic and overseas markets.
KOGAS’ importing countries include Qatar, Indonesia, Malaysia
and Brunei.

Posted by Richard Price,
Editor Pipeline Magazine
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