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Wireless is the way forward for business travellers – Six Tips to get the most out of it

Posted: 2 October 2003

In case you hadn't noticed, there's an awful lot of talk recently about wireless computing and mobile hotspots. Access points (the small radio transmitters and receivers that allow wireless connections) are being installed in an increasing number of public places to allow those with wireless-equipped PCs to access their corporate networks or the Internet when on the move, allowing people to be productive from anywhere, at any time.

Hot-spots, hot-zones and new wireless services are emerging in airports terminals, hotels, conference areas, restaurants and coffee shops. And with a little planning, businesspeople can take maximum advantage.

To help the budding wireless road warrior, Sameh Farid, IBM Middle East, Egypt and Pakistan’s Manager of PC Division, offers six steps to become a wireless guru, or at least a successful wireless business traveller:

1. Get Equipped

To do wireless notebook computing you need a notebook with a wireless adapter (some notebook models have one built, or you need to get an aftermarket PC Card adapter), wireless configuration software, and security software in the form of a Virtual Private Network (VPN) or personal firewall. Some notebooks make this easier than others and ideally you need a notebook which allows easy setup of secure wireless solutions and connection software. A notebook which features an integrated antenna and a broad selection of radios will also simplify the connection process.

2. Pre-Trip Scouting

So many varieties of wireless access exist, based on so many business models, that business travellers can benefit from doing a little pre-trip scouting on the Internet before embarking on a trip. When you know which airports you're passing through, what hotel you're staying at, what part of the city you're in, and what conference you're attending, Web sites can tell you what wireless service is available there. These services will vary, depending on your itinerary. You'll probably end up using several solutions - wired dial up or ethernet in your hotel room, a fee-based wireless service accessed through a browser in the airport, a free service in a coffee shop or in the exhibition space of a business conference. In all these cases, a tool which helps you sniff out these services and automatically create a location profile for your notebook to access the internet or intranet.

3. Multi-Tiered Approach

The most common Wi-Fi wireless access standard, found in hotel lobbies, airports, and coffee houses, is 802.11b. But as a business traveller you don't have to stick to one technology to get network access. You can adopt a tiered approach. In a hotel room, dial-up or wired ethernet access is usually the easiest, cheapest, and most pervasive connection method. Hotel lobbies and public spaces like conference rooms usually feature 802.11b wireless access, sometimes free, sometimes fee-based. Airports offer 802.11b access, usually fee-based, most commonly in frequent flyer lounges but increasingly in public waiting areas. And the most pervasive form of wireless data access is with the GSM/GPRS network, this access can be accomplish with a either a GPRS PC card that plugs into the notebook or a Bluetooth enabled GPRS mobile phone.

4. Finding the Network

When you're in a space bathed in wireless waves, you need a notebook computer that can sniff out, or detect, the network as easily and quickly as possible. After that, depending on whether the network is free or fee-based, you generally pass through a Web browser screen where you enter credit card information. You can then access the Web. If you're a corporate user, you'll probably then need to activate your VPN-based software program to create a secure tunnel for accessing secure e-mail or internal company websites.

Because wireless access points, or transmitters, are usually hidden, it can take experimentation to determine the best place to locate yourself. It's helpful if you know that they're usually located up high, tucked behind signage or above ceiling tiles, and that structures like walls affect wireless reception. Generally, you can determine the best possible reception by looking at the receive signal strength for the access point that you are associated with. Wireless network designers usually try to locate them close to the centre of the area where they'll be used. You can use this to your advantage. If you're having trouble finding a hotspot in an airport, camp out in a waiting area near a frequent flyer club.
Reception is often acceptable outside the walls of the club.

5. Security Considerations

If you're a corporate user, your IT department has probably configured your notebook with a VPN-based software program. This creates a hardened, secure tunnel for transmitting and receiving data, and it's extremely secure. If you're an individual user, you'll probably be using wireless to access Internet Web sites and Web-based e-mail. You'll need a personal firewall to protect the data on your notebook. And if you use a notebook with an embedded security subsystem, you can store your encryption keys and provide an additional layer of protection for your data, even if your notebook is stolen.

6. Preparing for the Future

Wireless business models change so quickly that you need to be careful about getting tied into long-term agreements. New mobile phone standards are also evolving, including GPRS' s evolution to EDGE. These new standards will mean a three-fold improvement in data performance, creating additional wireless options. News about restaurants and coffee houses adding new wireless services, sometimes free, emerges on a daily basis. New sociological behaviours are creating new wireless models and people are putting up their own free-access wireless networks. The wireless era is just beginning.

About IBM
IBM is the world’s largest information technology company, with 80 years of leadership in helping businesses innovate. IBM offers a wide range of services, solutions and technologies that enable telecommunications service providers and equipment suppliers to take full advantage of the new era of e-business. For more information on IBM, visit

Posted by Richard Price, Editor Pipeline Magazine

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