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SmartSquare outsources on demand with IBM Global Services

Posted: 13 October 2003

The business expertise and consulting centre for the UAE
signs outsourcing technology agreement with IBM

SmartSquare, a Zayed University initiative empowered by IBM that provides world-class business information, consulting and technology delivery facilities to organisations in the UAE, has completed implementation of a “business best-practice” model of outsourced, on demand technology services in conjunction with IBM Global Services.

SmartSquare is hosting its business consultancy Web portal, data management, messaging, collaboration and IT infrastructure at the joint IBM/eHosting DataFort hosting centre, allowing it to dramatically reduce the complexity of managing and running its technology systems, and allowing it to focus on its core business, providing an accessible source of knowledge and business solutions to all sizes of organisations in the UAE.

SmartSquare can now benefit from the security, reliability and 24x7 availability provided by IBM, where it can use the latest technology for its business systems, but only has to manage its desktop PC user environment for its internal office tasks, and for the software development that it carries out.

In a project that started in late 2002, SmartSquare began planning for the implementation of its server infrastructure, along with associated web and collaboration services, using an outsourced technology model. Applications hosted include Lotus Domino and Notes collaboration, as well as systems management, wireless services and firewalling.

“SmartSquare is a national centre for intellectual development, and the study of ways to improve business methods and processes. We are primarily an organisation devoted to knowledge and expertise – developing methods and practices, developing new forms of software.

It makes no sense for us to spend valuable resources, both physical and financial, to implement server and application infrastructure in-house. The cost is extremely high, and distracts us from our core activities. We developed an outsourcing model with the help of IBM Global Services that gives us the functionality, security and performance we need, without the massive capital and ongoing costs of machines, software and IT support staff,” said Ulrich Lang, Centre Manager for SmartSquare.

The hosting centre hosts applications for data management, messaging, collaboration and Web services, running the Windows 2000 operating system, IBM Lotus Domino, and Apache. This allows SmartSquare to develop its Web portal to provide a dynamic online resource that further allows for the development of a dynamic, online intellectual capital database for Zayed University and the business community of the UAE.

SmartSquare only has to handle the day-to-day support of its staff’s desktop PCs, while Computer Assist (an IBM partner) provides ongoing support for the Domino collaboration systems.

“Acceptance of the business model for outsourcing technology infrastructure is gaining ground in the Middle East. While it requires a leap of faith by organisations that their critical business systems’ availability, functionality and – above all – security will be as good, or better, than having their IT systems in house, the business benefits of outsourcing are simply overwhelmingly compelling,” said Mariana Kruger, Business Manager for eHosting Outsourcing Services, IBM Global Services. “SmartSquare is a think-tank to build a stronger UAE, embodying the most progressive thinking in business planning.

Outsourcing its technology to IBM clearly shows that SmartSquare is willing to live by what it says: that technology outsourcing works, and makes good business sense.”

Posted by Richard Price, Editor Pipeline Magazine

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